Visitors to the Arctic can learn about safe, environmentally friendly and considerate behavior in the Arctic through a new animation developed by the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO).
The new 9-minute animation shows visitors what they can and cannot do when travelling in the Arctic in a down-to-earth and entertaining way. During the film the viewer is taken through a number of guidelines concerning environmental, safety-related and cultural issues.
To be viewed onboard expedition cruise vessels
The video will be shown to visitors onboard expedition cruise vessels operated by AECO members as a part of the general briefing at the beginning of an Arctic voyage. Vessels with video monitors installed in the passenger cabins or suites may also feature the animation on one of the channels.
Visitor information in mother tongues
The new animated video has an English voice-over with choice of subtitles in a number of other languages. This means that a high number of visitors can receive important information in their native tongues about safety, environmental precautions and interaction with cultures. AECO Executive Director Frigg Jørgensen said, "AECO is very proud to present these new animated guidelines for visitors to the Arctic, and hopes they will be well received, as the animation is a step forward in regard to educating visitors about the Arctic and how to go about their visit."
Animation reduces paper-use
AECO's guidelines for visitors to the Arctic has up until now been presented to passengers onboard AECO-member vessels, via PowerPoint presentations, postings onboard the vessels and/or through a booklet. Since the guidelines were first published as a booklet in 2007, almost 70.000 copies have been distributed to Arctic expedition cruise passengers. Viewing an animation instead of handing out the booklets will help reduce the use of paper.
100.000 US Dollars from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund.
The animation was produced by Raindog Studios (, and the total cost of the production was approximately 650.000 NOK/USD 106.000/80.000 EURO. Funding was granted to AECO by the Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund, see:
Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO)
AECO is an international association for expedition cruise operators, dedicated to the promotion of responsible, environmentally friendly and safe expedition cruise operations in the Arctic. The organization has more than 35 international members who operate approximately 25 vessels in Svalbard, Greenland, Canada and the Russian Arctic. AECO members carry approximately 14 000 passengers to the Arctic annually. AECO also has developed a number of guidelines, which regulate the members' operations and visitors' behavior.
The animated guidelines for visitors to the Arctic can be seen via: The video is also available on, which provides more general information about the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators. All of the association's guidelines can be accessed on:

The animated guidelines for visitors to the Arctic can be seen via:, and are also available on, which also provides more general information about the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators. All AECOs five different guidelines can be accessed on:
New Animated Guidelines for Visitors to the Arctic
Visitors to the Arctic can now educate themselves about safe, environmentally friendly and considerate behavior in the Arctic through a new entertaining animation. See: and read more on:
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